New Nissan cars with futuristic ‘Bladerunner’ engine sound

New Nissan cars with futuristic ‘Bladerunner’ engine sound

Some lawmakers want hybrid and electric cars to become noisier, to increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Nissan’s answer to this: give their upcoming Leaf cars a Bladerunner-type sound effect.

“We decided that if we’re going to do this, if we have to make sound, then we’re going to make it beautiful and futuristic,” Toshiyuki Tabata, Nissan’s noise and vibration expert, told Bloomberg. “We wanted something a bit different, something closer to the world of art.”

Some reports suggest that in the future, car owners will download a sound for their car the way many consumers buy ring tones for their cellphones.

Read the original article here

We are not sure what to expect from this… But here’s a clip from Bladerunner, which will perhaps provide some context: