New Release by Saine

New Release by Saine

Photo: Tiina-Mari Pitkänen

I’m a big fan of Saine, a producer from Finland. His music is drenched in sound design and has a great organic feel to it.
No surprise I was happy to find an email by Saine telling me about a new release and some interviews he recentrly did. A new release on Cymbidium called Long Time No See.
If you like our very own Mentz’ loop based crackling jazz, make sure to bookmark Saine’s website and buy his stuff. It very much breath’s the same atmosphere. There is one big difference though. Where Mentz uses ‘natural’ glitches in records and even format decoding, Saine is much more about sound design.

Shaker by Saine

No happy little accidents like Bob Ross would have put it. Rather meticulously mixed sound design elements and foley recordings is what graces Saine’s music. The warm tones and beautifully processed recordings sparsely make room for solo instrument parts. A perfect balance between abstract and musical makes this record an enjoyable ride. Ranging from almost rubato to steady 4/4 to the floor, always maintaining that organic feel to it.
Make sure to check out his interview at if you are interested in digital music production.

Forgotten Notes by Saine

Get the Vinyl at Cymbidium or the Digital release at Digtal Tunes