Surreal Urban Street Art

Surreal Urban Street Art

Brad Downey incorporates everyday objects into funny, witty and sometimes provocative street art installations.

The image here to the left is a fine example of the work of Downey. A smaller scale model of a lamp and sign. The fact that you can overlook such an object really easily, makes the statement of Downey one of humourous irony.

In his documentary Public Discourse, Downey filmed himself removing, altering and replacing a subway sign without any reaction of the people standing nearby.

Public Discourse is about passionate artists who want their work to be seen by a wide range of people rather than be confined to the systemic structures of galleries and museums. This non-fiction film presents an in-depth study of the use of subversive messages, mimicking of advertising methods and the presentation of three-dimensional sculptures to the public.

Check out for some more details on both the film as well as info on Downey himself.