Rob Lücker is a young and upcoming director from the Netherlands. He has been doing some quite extraordinary projects over the last couple of years, and that’s why his main employer, Hazazah Pictures, decided to give him a grant to do his own thing.

Rob decided on a location in the south of the Netherlands, where he had access to an old mining complex. The scene was perfect for his 3 man drama “WALZER” in which he had big psycho drama plans for his three emotional unstable characters. I guess you could say the whole thing comes down to: who’s King of the hill.

Since Rob and Remus have been entagled in projects overtime, Rob directly approached Remus to set him up with a convincing score for his overwhelming imagery. Remus took the job as serious as possible, and arranged the score as well as set Rob up with a virtual orchestration of his composition.

So! Without further a do, I ask you to close your curtains, set the video to fullscreen, and turn up your stereo, ’cause you’re about to enjoy “WALZER”!

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